Workplace Wellness: Understanding Macronutrients to Fuel Your Body

Corporate Wellness Lunch & Learn in the GTA with Nutritionist Jesse Lane Lee

Workplace wellness plays a vital role in today’s fast-paced work environment, where staying energized and focused can be a challenge. What if the secret to maintaining energy and mental clarity throughout the day lies in something as simple as the food we eat? That’s where understanding macronutrients comes in. I’m Jesse Lane Lee, and I’m…

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Simplify Meal Prep

Meal Planning Template

Let me give you some tips on how to simplify meal prep. Meal prepping is a game-changer for anyone looking to eat healthier, save time, and reduce the stress of figuring out what’s for dinner every night. By planning ahead and preparing healthy meals, you can take the guesswork out of mealtime, stay on track…

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Emotional Eating: Health Tip Tuesday Video Roundup

Emotional eating tips by Jesse Lane Wellness

Emotional eating is something many of us experience, often without even realizing it’s happening. While emotional eating is common, it can gradually affect our relationship with food and make it harder to listen to our body’s natural hunger signals. In this post, we’ll dive into the roots of emotional eating, exploring why it happens, the…

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Building Strong Bones with Nutrition: Health Tip Tuesday Roundup

Creamy Sesame Kale Salad by Jesse Lane Wellness

Maintaining strong bones is crucial for overall wellness and quality of life, and building strong bones with nutrition is a key part of this. Our bones provide the structure and support we need to move and protect vital organs. Strong bones are not just about avoiding fractures; they also play a significant role in overall…

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Meet Chloe: Our Holistic Assistant & Content Creator

We’re thrilled to introduce the newest member of our team at Jesse Lane Wellness—Chloe! Chloe brings an amazing mix of personal experience, professional expertise, and a whole lot of heart to her role. Her journey from struggling with Crohn’s Disease to becoming a Certified Nutritional Practitioner and Registered Yoga Teacher is truly inspiring. Let’s dive…

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Eat Your Way to Happiness: Health Tip Tuesday Roundup 

Eat Your Way to Happiness with Jesse Lane Lee

This month, we focused our Health Tip Tuesdays on how we can all eat our way to happiness. We dove into how the foods we eat can significantly impact our mood, thanks to their influence on certain hormones. Ever wonder why a piece of dark chocolate can make you feel so good? It’s all about…

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5 Foods to Reduce Stress

4 Great Ways To Use Protein Powder

There are so many foods to reduce stress and support the body in times of stress. Today I’m sharing my 5 favourites. On a scale of one to ten, how stressed are you? We are so busy nowadays that everyone is stressed out and stress goes hand in hand with burnout, fatigue, and low energy.

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July Farmer’s Market Finds


It’s summer which means it is time to share July Farmer’s Market Finds! I love going to local farmer’s markets and picking up some ingredients to experiment with. It is a family outing I look forward to every week. We leave with local produce, organic sausages, sourdough bread and baked goods to snack on while…

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Top 6 Smoothie Mistakes You’re Making

Top 6 Smoothie Mistakes You are Making by Jesse Lane Lee

Recently smoothies have been making quite a comeback with everyone making them in an effort to lose weight and improve their health. The problem is many people are making mistakes when they make their smoothies, creating a drink that is not only unhealthy but contributing to weight gain! Keep reading as I reveal the top…

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Get Creative with Sandwiches

Healthy Homemade Soups & Sandwiches Smashed Chickpea Avocado Wrap by @jesselwellness #wrap #healthysandwich

If you are sending your kids to school or going back to work yourself, you are probably getting tired of eating/making the same sandwiches week after week. PB&J is yummy but it can get boring really quickly. Mix it up and get creative with sandwiches by trying the recipes in my cookbook Healthy Homemade Soups…

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Meal Planning Membership with Clean Eating

Poached Eggs on Avocado Toast by @jesselwellness #avocadotoast

I’m thrilled to be creating recipes and meal plans for the Clean Eating Membership called CE All-Access. With the meal planning membership app, you can create your own meal plans, or use the ones that me and other nutritionists have created for you. Follow this link and use code JLaneLee20 to get 20% off your…

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